Author Archives Wiseflow
A Neuroscientist Explains How Meditation Changes Your Brain
What is the empty space in an atom…
“An electron cloud is technically infinitely large…”
“Once you realize that all matter is just waves, it becomes easier to accept. Try watching ripples rebound across the surface of a bucket of water and then identify “where the wave is.” Well, it’s everywhere—but you’re more likely to see the part of it that is a peak or a trough.
That’s kind of what matter is like on a per-particle scale. Matter waves are probability waves where the peaks and troughs translate to the probability the particle will be detected there.
The analogy breaks down in that if the particle is observed, the whole wave “resets” to simply a sharp peak where the particle was observed. It’d be kind of like as soon as you see a water peak or trough, all the water instantly piles into a spike right where you’re looking. Of course, to have the spike spill back down into a ripply surface within the bucket, you have to look away and let it do so.
Welcome to Quantum Mechanics.”
Willpower Free Meditation by Charles Eisenstein
Bruce Lee on Teachers
Mediation affects our experience of pain after just 4 days
Research done by Fadel Zeidan et al on how mindfulness mediation affects our experience of pain after just 4 days of meditation:
“After 4 days of mindfulness meditation training, meditating in the presence of noxious stimulation significantly reduced pain unpleasantness by 57% and pain intensity ratings by 40% when compared to rest.”
See Report Here: Zeidan_J_Neuroscience_2011.pdf
Don’t believe in anybody else’s BS
This is Wiseflow.
Evoking Flow – A Zen Method
About Wiseflow – Short
“ publishes content on topics that enlighten with precision, promoting the notion of being yourself in the most absolute sense possible through inquiring the very core assumptions of self…”
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